Dr. 肖恩·丹尼尔斯,主席/副教授


住在乔伊斯J. 博尔登美术大楼, the Department of 美术 offers classes in 艺术, 人文学科, 演讲, 剧院, 和音乐. The department is also home to the ASU Concert Choir, 军乐队, 爵士乐团, 黄铜, 木管乐器, 字符串, 男人的合唱, 室的歌手, 女子合唱和打击乐团. The department includes award winning faculty and staff. We offer professional degree programs in the following areas: Music Education Vocal, 音乐教育, 音乐表演, Music Performance Instrumental and the Bachelor of 艺术s in (General) music. 不是音乐专业, you can enjoy the 艺术s through various programs sponsored in part by the ASU 美术 Department. pg电子游戏试玩 is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM).

Image of young men and women dressed in concert attire displaying honors certificate.
http://youtu.是/ itaK4gajAQY

ASU 40th 爵士音乐节 featuring National Endowment for the 艺术s Jazz Master: Kenny Barron